Thank you for visiting my site! My name is Victoria Bell and I’m a Registered Nutritional Therapist with a diploma in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. Alongside nutrition, I also can help with stress using my techniques as a breathwork coach, training in teaching mindfulness to children and Indian Head Massage. I live in Kings Langley with my husband and two daughters and currently offer online consultations and services for businesses either online or in London and Hertfordshire.

While my passion for healthy eating and my training have set me up with the knowledge to feed myself and my family well, I haven’t always been the healthiest person and my struggles with my own health issues led me on my own journey to where I am now.

I was a typically fussy eater as a child, struggled with eczema, frequent illnesses and very sensitive digestion. Then at 11 years old I became a vegetarian which would have been a good move if only I would liked fruits and vegetables! It didn’t last as I later discovered why my genetics don’t make it easy for me to stay in good health without the nutrients that a broader diet can provide, or highly personalised supplementation.

Many years’ later, I discovered that I also have Ehler-Danlos Syndrome - a genetic condition that makes it difficult for my body to make enough collagen for ligaments, joints and skin. This has explained a lot as it has made me very prone to joint and skin issues and also affects the digestive and nervous systems too. And more recently I have been learning how to support myself and my children as neurodiverse individuals, with autism, ADHD and dyslexia all in the mix. Knowing all this has allowed me to take much better care of myself and have a better understanding of a diverse range of people.

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Over the years I also struggled with body image and weight management, jumping onto any new diet or quick fix in search of the holy grail – the one which would finally make me content with my body shape and weight. Over time, my mindset switched from a diet mentality to a desire to be healthier and I tuned into which foods gave me energy and mental clarity and noticing which would make me feel unwell. I would read anything I could find about nutrition and health and I learned to love good food rather than feeling controlled by it.

All this happened while I worked full time and studied accountancy part time for several years. I had taken up running, cross training, and any other activity I could fit in to make up for hours of sedentary work. As my roles became more senior, I worked more overtime, slept less, became overwhelmed and eventually something had to give. I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome in 2008, although in all likelihood I had suffered from it since my early years. My body was protesting quite loudly about the stress I was putting on it and I lost my resilience and ability to cope with the day to day ups and downs in my work.

After having my two daughters, I had become reliant on caffeine, sugar and convenience foods to “get me through the day”, aware that the short term energy perks and time saved on food preparation was likely to catch me up longer term. I was ill all the time, had severe back and neck pains and generalised anxiety. Since pregnancy my body had started to respond differently to certain foods and I eventually was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and told by my dietician that it was natural that I might be intolerant to many other foods as well. But avoiding these foods didn’t resolve the problems - I had to look deeper.

I decided to become my own health advocate and this led me to retrain as a nutritional therapist. The course was intensive, really put me through my paces but I graduated with an excellent foundation as a practitioner and have made some wonderful friends and colleagues in the process. During my studies, I enjoyed exploring a special interest in digestive, immune, hormonal and nervous system health. They are all so intricately connected and often where there is an imbalance in one system, there will be a knock-on effect on the others.


I went to see Victoria because I was feeling tired all the time and had no energy.  She listened to me and then gave me some advice on the day, followed by a list of suggested changes I could make to my diet and a couple of supplements to take.  She suggested that I make the changes gradually rather than all at once which was a relief!  I have made quite a few changes to my diet and I now have more energy and I actually sleep better at night so I'm not tired all the time.  Victoria also sent me a list of recipe ideas which have been great.  I felt totally comfortable talking to Victoria and would thoroughly recommend her to anyone. Debbie


The learning never stops – research into nutrition and health is forever evolving. So, I attend numerous events and seminars throughout the year, read articles, research papers and books and keep in regular contact with my peers and the broader nutrition and health community. More recently I have added breathwork coaching and Indian Head Massage to my services, as well as undertaking extra training in DNA testing for health optimisation and a new Perimenopause Programme.

Knowing how to eat well has transformed my life - I have been learning how to eat intuitively and I am teaching my children to do the same. While I have a good understanding of my genetics and other causes of my proneness to certain injuries and conditions, I am empowered by knowledge about what to do in my lifestyle to be the healthiest version of me. Now I love empowering other women to be active in their own health journey and to see the ripple effect that good health has on every other aspect of their lives.

If any of this resonates with you and you would like to know how nutritional therapy may benefit you, book your free 30 minute consultation here.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Victoria x