Get your sparkle back. This is your time to focus on your needs. Is your body crying out for some TLC?

At Victoria Bell Nutrition, we would love to help you move forward and tackle all those obstacles that stand in the way of you feeling your absolute best.

Together we can identify what’s getting in your way and key steps to recover and get your life back. Coaching can empower you to overcome mental barriers that are slowing you down. This is a process that takes time, building new habits one by one in a manageable and sustainable way. Our 12 week programmes allow that process to unfold fully for you, so you get the most out of working together.

If you are looking for a quick assessment of your current lifestyle, some nutrition advice and a meal plan to help you expand your repertoire of nourishing meals, our new Health and Nutrition MOT 90-minute session may be ideal for you. Book a free 30-minute Health Review below to discuss whether this would suit your needs.

Nutritionist Consultation Packages

12 week programmes are an ideal way to make significant improvements to your lifestyle and to see results reflected in your health and wellbeing. There are two choices of the level of support that will help you to achieve your goals.


Designed for busy women who would like to take a gradual approach to making improvements to your diet and lifestyle between sessions.

This is perfect if you would also like to retain some of your budget for functional testing. This programme includes a full initial health consultation and fortnightly sessions for at least 12 weeks.


If you have urgent goals or would like regular coaching and a safe space to talk on a regular basis, the Excellence Programme gives you the ultimate way to get dedicated support.

With 12 weekly full-length sessions including your initial health consultation, you can work on limiting beliefs and barriers to progress alongside an in-depth programme to improve your health. Optional functional testing can be added on to further meet your goals.

All programmes include the following:

  • 90-minute initial consultation

  • 45 minute follow up sessions

  • Email and messaging support during clinic hours

  • Nutritional recommendations - gradual, realistic and enjoyable

  • At least one meal plan with recipes (optional to use)

  • Personalised supplement advice and preferential discounts (where available)

  • Advice on functional testing, tests ordered and interpreted on your behalf

  • GP referral letters for NHS tests

  • Optional breathwork coaching during sessions

What can be added:

  • Private functional tests

  • Supplement purchases, with discounts where available

  • Maintenance package after the initial programme has ended

  • Additional full breathwork sessions

Health and Nutrition MOT

If you feel that you do not have any complex health issues needing a more involved nutritional programme and you would like a quick assessment of your current lifestyle, a single 90-minute session may be ideal for you.

This session is similar to the first consultation of one of our programmes, with the same in-depth health review and feedback on priorities for your health and diet. A GP referral letter can be provided if you need some up to date health checks, plus guidance on private health tests available.

Several easy-to-follow recommendations for diet and lifestyle will be provided, along with a balanced recipe plan. There is an option to upgrade to a 12-week programme.

our health & nutrition MOT will keep you running

Price: £199

Breathwork Coaching Session

Using the breath effectively can improve health and support mental wellbeing, focus, energy and athletic performance. Difficulty with breathing, or unconsciously not breathing well can have a big influence on mental states, health issues, pain perception, concentration and effectiveness at work and study.

Working with a breathwork coach can help to better understand your current breathing style and use a broad variety of practices to improve and enhance your breathing. Taking the strain off secondary breathing muscles such as those in the neck, shoulders, jaw and back can help to reduce pain, while creating more room and flexibility in the chest region can help you to make fuller, more satisfying breaths.

Coaching sessions last 45 minutes and can be used as part of a stress management strategy, leaving you feeling calm and energised.

woman happily breathing, free of pain

Price: £60 for one session, £220 for four sessions

personalised lifestyle advice with lifecode gx dna testing

Using information about your unique genetic makeup to tailor nutrition and lifestyle recommendations is a growing field, known as Nutrigenomics. Your genetic coding determines how your body has developed and functions, is invisible to the human eye, but can be revealed with genetic testing.

The range of DNA reports offered by Lifecode Gx have been carefully designed to include only genes which can be supported with specific nutritional and lifestyle strategies.

These genes are selected with rigorous high quality scientific studies, identifying the impact of specific food and lifestyle factors on their function. Learning your unique combination of genes, combined with nutrigenomics guidance can help you to optimise your health and enhance wellbeing.

DNA, fnd your unique nutritional characteristics

Lifecode Gx reports are carefully designed to identify key areas of health that might require support. The range of reports includes the following:

  • Nutrient Core

  • Metabolics

  • Hormones

  • Methylation

  • Histamine Intolerance

  • Oestrogen Balance

  • Detoxification

  • Nervous System

  • APOE

  • Thyroid

  • Athlete

At Victoria Bell Nutrition, we can guide you on the best combination of reports to suit your needs and order them for you. The test kit includes a cheek swab which is sent to your home address, where you can collect the sample and return by post. When the results are ready, we will talk through your results in a consultation. You will later receive a summary of your results along with the full report, plus personalised food and lifestyle recommendations.

Price: from £199 plus consultation fees

Ready to work with me? The first step is a Complementary Health Review.

If you are determined to make your health a priority so you can get your sparkle back, I would love to hear from you.



  • Price of the consultations/programmes does not include the cost of testing

  • Nutritional therapy does not replace conventional medical care and I do not claim to diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions.

  • My recommendations are dependent on any information you give me about your medical history and medication, past and present.

  • Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian.

  • It is understood that you will consult with your doctor regarding any referral letters provided by myself and that you will advise them of your nutritional therapy programme if you are being supervised for a medical condition.